General Information
Doctoral study at the Faculty of Applied Sciences is organised in two forms: full-time and combined (combination of distance study and tutorials). The standard length of doctoral study at FAV is 4 years with the maximum length of 7 years. Doctoral study programmes are offered in both Czech and English.
The Faculty of Applied Sciences and its Centre of Excellence “NTIS – New Technologies for the Information Society” are located on the University of West Bohemia campus, in a recently completed spacious building equipped with the latest technology.
Research conducted both by the Faculty and the Centre focuses on cybernetics, computer science and mechanics, which are key to the development and applications of information, communication and mechatronic technologies, and on various disciplines of physics relevant to the research and development of novel thin-film materials and plasma sources. An important role is played by mathematics applied to modelling systems and processes as well as to the development of relevant mathematical structures.
The average monthly net income of doctoral students in the standard period of full-time doctoral studies is up to 55 thousand CZK (approx. 2200 EUR); the median average monthly net income is 27 thousand CZK (approx. 1000 EUR). The income comprises a regular doctoral scholarship supplemented by funds from the internal student grant competition (SGS) and usually also from project grants or contract research contracts (as part of the FAV employment). The stimulus component of the income consists of extraordinary scholarships for significant results of R&D activity (e.g. authorship/co-authorship of a publication in a prestigious journal), etc.